Berat Buzhala after the death of his father from Covid-19: Of all the symptoms, I have pain and longing left!
It has been 21 days since the well-known journalist from Kosovo, Berat Buzhala became infected with coronavirus.
He is already feeling well, but a few days ago, he lost his father to the virus .

Through a post on Facebook he writes that of all the symptoms, he is left with only pain and longing.
He closes the post by saying that life goes on.
"It's been 21 days since I had my first COVID symptoms and 19 days since I tested positive. The last.
I do not intend to go and spend another test, except to confirm that I am negative, because the number of those who need to know if they are infected is very large. Of all the symptoms of COVID, I now have pain and longing.
We, the rest of the family, are well acquainted. Now you can see me in the city, because I have been stuck for 1 century. I understand each of you who still wants to keep the social distance (bigger than the rules provide) with me. I will also take care to keep it with you, so as not to get close to you.
Life must go on, ose sic ka thane Freddy Mercury shoë must go on", shkruan ai./E.B-dritare.net