Ibuprofen and paracetamol. Doctor Beltoja tells the cure he used for Rudina Xhunga!
Alban Beltoja, the Albanian doctor in Italy invited to the Albanian show by Rudina Xhunga, on Dritare Tv spoke about the treatment of most patients with Covid-19. Based on the experience of the journalist Xhunga who passed the covidium treated by him, Beltoja showed the treatment that should be used by infected patients starting from the first moment.
"If you have a fever you will take a paracetamol and an anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal, ibuprofen I say but it can be any kind of anti-inflammatory. Namely not cortisone. This is because we will try to block an inflammatory reaction which at the end of the first week of the disease may take a different direction and worsen. This is the only treatment recommended for 80% of patients who present with only fever, headache, muscle aches, runny nose or other symptoms. Starting the second day of the cortisone dexamethasone and others would adversely affect the course of the disease because it blocks the immune response that the human body has and implements it. Early use of antibiotics or cortisone is not only useless for the course of the disease, but we have seen many times that they are also harmful.
Gjithashtu në rastin e Rudinës unë ia këshillova në dozë të vogël dhe vetëm dy ditë heparinën, por varet nga rasti. Heparina është e vetmja që ka treguar efikasitet shumë të lartë në trajtimin e kovidit që në fazat e para te personat në rrezik, ata që kanë diabet, obezitet, hipertension. Pra njerëzit që predispozohen të sëmuren rëndë nga kovidi. Në këto raste sa më shpejt të niset aq më mirë është, gjithmonë me një dozë profilaktike dhe duhet vendosur nga mjeku cila është doza më e drejtë. Për vitaminën D nuk ka asnjë indikacion se përmirësojnë gjendjen. Është e vërtetë që shumë të sëmurë rëndë paraqesin nivele të ulëta të vitaminës D por nuk e dimë nëse kjo është me lidhje shkak-pasojë”, u shpreh mjeku Beltoja.
Another moment where the doctor stopped was the debate he had with the patient Rudina Xhunga, not to do a scan once she had a cough, but only a blood test.
"Scanners, graffiti, antibiotics, cortisone will take the head out one day and they not only do not save the sick, but harm them. For remdezivir it is true that it has action against Sars-Cov-2 infection. All studies show that the only positive effect is the reduction of hospitalization days. But it has no effect in severe cases of covidium. So it is a useless expense in easy cases ", said doctor Beltoja on Dritare Tv./dritare.net