By Dritan Hila
Ilir Meta is not known as a hedonistic man, if this does not serve him in politics. Nor as a savior of Rama's urban renaissance.
But recently he has increased his visits to Vlora, as much as in any other city. Why is the president so focused on a city which is a bastion of the left and where Edi Rama feels safe? What forces him to meet the rival of the SMI in Vlora, Bujar Leskaj? Of course it is not the passion for brandy, recently discovered by both, but Rama. And here's why!
It is not a fact that can already be hidden that PD and LSI do not have scruples to collect votes each on their own account to each other, as much as to SP. And that is hurting them. But it will hurt them more in Vlora.
In addition, the opposition coalition loses tails that do not allow it to pull out an MP. In these conditions, it is possible for the DP to get four deputies, leaving its ally useless.
However, if every opposition vote is controlled and piloted, there is a possibility that the SP will take the eighth mandate. And this is exactly where Edi Rama is positioned.
The opposition needs coordination to be able to achieve this goal.
Por nuk bëhet fjalë vetëm për një deputet. Ajo që e bën të çmuar humbjen e vendit të tetë në Vlorë, pavarësisht se Rama mund të renditet i pari me vota, lidhet me dëmin moral. Nëse renditet Rama i pari apo i teti, nëse opozita merr vendin e tetë, konsiderohet që ka mundur vetë Ramën. Dhe të ndodhë kjo në qytetin ku kryeministri ka investuar më shumë, do jetë një goditje e madhe morale. Pas kësaj vjen efekti domino. Edhe nëse Rama fiton në shkallë vendi, humbja në Vlorë do konsiderohet në sytë e publikut si ajo e Ramiz Alisë në zgjedhjet e vitit ‘91, ku pavarësisht se PPSH fitoi në rang vendi, humbja e udhëheqësit të saj Ramiz Alia pikërisht në zonën ku ishte themeluar partia që përfaqësonte, ishte përtej një humbjeje të thjeshtë. Pas kësaj erdhën zgjedhjet e parakohshme.
E tillë do konsiderohet edhe humbja e Ramës.
If the opposition snatches Rama's eighth place, even if they lose nationwide, they have an open pretext for fighting the next legislature and, why not, early elections. How would Rama be justified after this, when even the city that has received all his attention, rejects him? It resembles the ancient saying that "the village expels him, but he seeks the priest's daughter for a bride."
That is why Meta is focused on Vlora./dritare.net