The country is invaded by rain and snow / Here is when the weather will improve!
The weekend we left behind was accompanied by unstable weather. There was rain and snow all over the territory. The new week also started with rain. In a short interview with the news edition on DritareTV, Meteoalb weather forecaster Hakil Osmani made a weather forecast for the coming days.
"The following hours are expected to bring an improvement in weather conditions. From noon on Tuesday onwards, clear weather and low presence of eclipses are expected. But temperatures will drop significantly to minimum values, reaching -5 degrees Celsius in mountainous areas, while maximums during the week are expected to fluctuate in values ??10-11-degrees Celsius. The weekend is expected to bring temperatures rising to 17-18 degrees Celsius. March is expected to close with stable weather. "Almost in the whole territory there will be a predominance of clearings and a few eclipses ," said Osmani./KC/dritare.net